Sunday, August 5, 2012

Saratoga, Wy

A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to go on a little camping excursion in Wyoming with Laura's family. We stayed in a little community called Saratoga, which is about 80 miles West of Laramie. It was a blast with the balance of great day trips to Medicine Bow and being able to explore the town. Saratoga had a great vibe and a weirdo - quirky phone booth (which you will see later).


Here's a deer cooling off under an awning. They didn't call this RV park "Deer Haven" for nothin'!


This is the Holiday Rambler (trailer) parked under the tree accompanied by the beloved Moose (Ford truck). It happened to be peaceful spot where we had some delicious barbecue and read a little. If you didn't know, one of my favorite pass-times is skipping stones. The North Platt River proved to be a great venue as I managed to hurl hundreds of rocks into its calm water. Hopefully it didn't tick off our neighbors too much. From this spot we also saw a very scrappy looking immature Bald Eagle. Cool!


In the evening we ventured off into the town to take some photos. The colors and light in Saratoga were fantastic!






... This last photo is Laura's from the RV park. It is so, so, sososos good.
