Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Favorite Racing Laps Post 1

I loveeeeee auto racing... Seriously. Its an addiction. If you ask any of my previous roommates, they can attest to the fact that I willingly stayed up every weekend until 6am to watch the fly-away Formula One races. Shit, at four years old I drew the Monaco circuit on 3 sheets of 24 x 48 inch foam board, and I pushed my Hot Wheels cars to the limit on that track. I remember TV footage of the drivers going one handed while up-shifting out of the chicane and through the swimming pool section in Monaco, spurring my insane devotion to this carbon fibre religion. Being one of the coolest tracks, this first edition of favorite laps is going to feature a couple memorable Monaco GP videos.

This video is an onboard pole position lap from my favorite driver Jenson Button. He was incredibly quick in 2009 with a car that no one had expected to be successful, especially after his 2008 campaign was horrendous. Button went on the win the grand prix the following day, his first win in Monaco!

Ayrton Senna was hands down the King of Monaco. This footage from 1990 shows how bumpy this street circuit is. So cool to see him shifting gears with a proper 6-speed manual gearbox!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Skateboard Project Part 2

Its been a while since I last posted-grad school apps have kept me quite busy! Laura wrote an awesomely nice post -> http://visionsofpigeons.blogspot.com/2011/11/favorite-blogs.html, and I was inspired to update my blog!

So where were we? Oh yeah, so the block was ready to be printed. Our studio art department here in Pittsburgh does not teach woodcut printing, so we don’t have the type of press that is commonly used for this process. I had to make due with the etching press, which was fine, but it took a little trial and error to get the image to my liking. This is what the first print looked like with the block next to it on the press. I love this process photo, I think it demonstrates how clean and prepped the materials have to be.


The print!


The skateboard!


Here she is, painted with protective enamel to seal her from water and dirt. The color scheme and image was influenced by early Bauhaus painting (I’m pretty certain that I first sketched the idea for this project in my Bauhaus history class).
