Wednesday, October 31, 2012

New York City Part 1

This past August I started a graduate design program at the School of Visual Arts in New York. Its important to note that I found out I was coming here only a week before school started! Imagine, leaving my job, taking things out of storage, figuring out finances and moving in less than seven days. This whole journey has been insane, stressful, in some ways heartbreaking and in most ways absolutely incredible. Only since last week has it sunk in that I'm actually living in New York - so cool! I'd also like to say that my grandparents are amazing for letting me crash with them until I find an apartment. Its really special to spend so much quality time with them!

In sadder news, because of this devastating storm, I actually have time to work on my blog. School will be closed for at least a week while we wait for the power and subways to be restored. My heart goes out to all of the homes and businesses that incurred damage. If any friends need a place to shower, let me know!!


I shot this photo out in front of SVA on the first day of orientation. I don't actually remember taking the picture, but that must have been the last time I was capable of waking up early enough to see the light cast in that direction. This image is actually showing the building across the street from where the design studio is.

I had two rolls of film developed with just prints and no scans on a cd. This proved to be a bad move... I was told that our scanners in the studio had film attachments. NOT the case. This was the only print that scanned well enough to post, and the world will never see the rest of those shots!!!



I took these pictures back in the summer, but they show the amazing views from my grandparent's apartment. We have a beautiful view of the Chrysler Building at night!


There are some amazing camera shops down in Flatiron/Chelsea (the neighborhoods where SVA is) that do all kinds of film processing. I picked up some slide film and hit the streets. This is the East River looking South toward the Queensboro Bridge.


I trundled on up to Harlem, but didn't happen to take any more pictures. When I got home though, I was able to snap a pic of this lovely sunset!



I took these shots down in the 60's while waiting for a bus. The crane in the second photo is the one that broke and flipped over during the storm.


This is from the walk to school. Love the clouds and the reflections from the windows on the building to the left.


Entering the subway while transferring from the 6 train on my way to Queens. I spend lots of time down 'er on the 6 train (soon I'll be switching to the A train if I move to Brooklyn???). I love the cute little rats who scurry along the tracks.


Back in Manhattan, I got some shots of buildings in nice light! Sorry that this post is jumping around like crazy. Shows you how much I'm moving around the city while shooting a roll of film.



This is it for this installment. I have more slides to show from Brooklyn, and two more rolls that I'm going to get developed tomorrow!

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