Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fiesole and... Benny Warhol!

During our stay in Florence, Laura and I took many day-trips to nearby cities and towns. A fifteen minute ride on the ATAF city bus brought us up to one of our favorite destinations, Fiesole. Fiesole is a town nestled on top of a foothill(one of many) that surround Florence’s city borders. It was so much fun to shoot photos from up there because the views were unbelievably gorgeous, and the gnarly, winding roads add extra interest to the landscape. The small town feel and the picturesque hikes make for a wonderful vacation retreat.

My professor said that this photo of the dog reminded him of paparazzi shots. Its as if I caught my subject in a compromising act! I think it was just really hot that day and the scoundrel was simply trying to stay out of the Tuscan sun.




Fiesole is also the place where Laura and I purchased our most valuable European souvenir, Benny Warhol! Benny is named after the common Italian phrase “Va Bene,” and the beloved Pittsburgh native, Andy Warhol. Va Bene is loosely translated in English to “its all right,” or “ok.” Anyway, when I went to buy Benny at the grocery store, the clerk laughed uncontrollably for about 5 minutes. She then proceeded to show all of the other shoppers and cashiers the cactus until she finally gained enough composure to ring me up. I don’t care what she thinks, I love him...Enough to bring him back to the States.


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