Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Cascine Park!

In July, I took a class in darkroom photography and fell deeply in love with the process. The majority of my days were spent either taking photos, or developing and printing them. Film cameras just feel so damn good to work with because they allow you to spend time framing and focusing on your subject. There's no CPU on most analog cameras, so rather than searching through a million digital menus to figure out white balance, for example, you simply do the adjustments on the camera body. It becomes all about that perfect moment you compose the shot, adjust the mechanics and let that shutter swing baby!

Here are some images of my first prints from the Cascine Park in Florence, Italy:




The Cascine Park is practically the only public park in Florence designated to recreation. On sunny days people flock to the Cascine to ride bikes, work out, or do a little sun bathing. There is also a pretty good market, probably one of the only places in the city where you can buy clothing for an affordable price.

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