Monday, May 14, 2012


While scouring the sublime depths of Youtube some time ago, I stumbled upon reviews of people testing Polaroid cameras that use **FRESH**, I repeat, fresh Fuji FP-100c pack film! These Automatic Land Cameras are common on Ebay and happen to be relatively inexpensive - mostly because the sellers don’t realize that people can still buy the film for them. The cameras resemble all things Star Wars with fold out bellows that are reminiscent of the blast cannons on Jaba the Hut’s Sand Skiff (nerdin’ out). Anyway, you just pop your little Fuji film pack in the back of the camera, snap a pic and... pull a tab? Yeah, well the shot doesn’t come flying out the front like the old integral Polaroid 600 film. You have to pull a little white tab and then the photo comes out through the rollers and... well you have to pull that out too and the while you do it the camera makes a satisfying “Shink!” sound. Then you gotta wait 2 minutes to peel the negative straight off the beautiful 3.25 X 4.25 inch print. So its a little more manual than the integral film we’re all used to, but what the hell, its $6 for a pack of 10 shots and the results are awesome with true, vivid and deeply saturated colors!..Oh, and to keep the Star Wars theme going, this little guy in the first photo taken on the golf course reminds me of an Imperial Probe Droid

Polaroid M80_9

Polaroid M80_16

Polaroid M80_15

Polaroid M80_19

Polaroid M80_5

Polaroid M80_29

Polaroid M80_24

Polaroid M80_14

Polaroid M80_2

Polaroid M80_26

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! A lot of these photos are super beautiful, especially the magnolia one and anything with dramatic shadows. They look lots nicer here than on the Flickr main page. I still think it's really neat that you figured this out and have been experimenting so much with it.
